PowerSAVE Plus - Industrial Highbay Lighting Controller
40% Energy Saving
(Low Cost High Return)
Ample skylighting makes natural light available during the day, the lighting control system, consisting off lighting powerflow regulators distributed around the facility. The regulators automatically and smoothly ‘dim’ lighting to compensate for excess light (natural and artificial) - providing in this case over 50% energy saving during the day without sacrificing either quality or quantity of light in the workspace.
Click to view/download PowerSAVE Plus brochure pdf
Click to view/download Casestudy - Gilmours NZ pdf
When PowerSAVE Plus is used in conjunction with high pressure sodium lighting or Prismlux metal halide lighting, extended dimming range from 100% to 30% power is achievable. For standard metal halide, mercury vapour and fluorescent lighting the range is 100 to 50% typically.
Click to view/download Prismlux brochure pdf
Click to view/download PowerSAVE Plus/Prismlux Casestudy - Coles Myer pdf